Resident ‘Respect’

For many folks, the mention of Scranton, PA likely elicits thoughts of…paper. With Dunder Mifflin’s headquarters stationed squarely in the Electric City, ‘The Office’ brought a healthy dose of notoriety to Scranton. But despite the souvenir shop at Cooper’s Seafood, there’s more to be known for than Schrute Farm and Michael Scott.

Amid frigid temps and ice storms, I found myself in the heart of Lackawanna Valley last month. And while there are certainly warmer places to frequent in the dead of winter, I rather enjoyed my stay. Brought on to co-produce a commercial campaign for Pittsburg-based agency Brunner, it was hard not to ‘warm’ to the city…figuratively speaking, at least. The chance to collaborate with still photographer Vincent Dixon was an added bonus. Vincent’s Irish brogue is endearing, but it was his ability to find artistry in the ordinary that made him even more fun to work with.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t offer a heartfelt thanks to some local allies. Gus Fahey @ Valley In Motion was invaluable as a resource. The Scranton Cultural Center was a terrific find, as was Steamtown Yoga. And Zummo’s Cafe quickly became my second home while in town. Here’s one of the spots we produced for Lehigh Valley Health Network, announcing the opening of their newest location.

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